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This is a list of bookmarks that I have on my web browser. They are primarily blog posts or miscellaneous articles.

***Websites that are already listed in the Link Directory are not included in this list.***

11/2024 Update: I'm very behind on updating this list, so the last posts/links added here are many months old. I will slowly update this list to add newer posts/links over the next little while. I have also moved the "Websites" section on this page to a seperate "Miscellaneous Websites" section to better align this to showcase articles/posts rather than websites expicitly.

Blog Posts / Forum Posts / Newsletters / Etc.

MICROMOBILITY AMERICA 2023 RECAP: Are tiny vehicles the future of urban transportation? - ourawesomefuture.net

Minimum Wage Clock - moonbase.lgbt

iGodot - blog.la-terminal.net

42 for 42 - matthiasott.com

Flickr Before Smartphones and Instagram - cybercultural.com

Play at work - daverupert.com

The indieweb is for everyone - werd.io

The indie web - jamesg.blog

A cooler, more complete and actively-being-updated "old web" revival services forum for cool people - forum.spacehey.com

Heaviest ever SUVs massively undermine climate benefits of other vehicle improvements, says new GFEI report - globalfueleconomy.org

Organizing RSS and ATOM Feed Sources - thenewleafjournal.com

What using RSS feeds feels like - gilest.org

We've been waiting 20 years for this - thehistoryoftheweb.com

RSS is still pretty great - pcloadletter.dev

JavaScript Bloat in 2024 - tonsky.me

I will be your first reader - lars-christian.com

How Google helped destroy adoption of RSS feeds - openrss.org

Unraveling Threads - steveherman.press

Memories of an empty city - pinkgallica.com

People searching 'eyes hurt after eclipse' spike after solar eclipse - coywolf.news

How the internet became shit - herman.bearblog.dev

The Apple Jonathan: A Very 1980s Concept Computer That Never Shipped - 512pixels.net

Scientists develop material with potential to revolutionize solar panel efficency: 'Significant leap forward' - thecooldown.com

We can have a different web - citationneeded.news

Articles (News, etc.)

How To Make A Paper Airplane - jdcard.com

Repurposing Thin Clients - parkytowers.me.uk

It's one of the biggest experiments in fighting global poverty. Now the results are in. - npr.org

Building Autonomous, Off-Grid, Encrypted, and Solar Powered Communications Infrastructure - anarchosolarpunk.substack.com

Let's talk about making IndieWeb weirder and easier - lordmatt.co.uk

Beej's Guide to Networking Concepts - beej.us

Dr. Strangebus or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Trolleybus - streets.mn

Torching the Google car: Why the growing revolt against big tech just escalated - bloodinthemachine.com

The world's 280 million electric bikes and mopeds are cutting demand for oil far more than electric cars - theconversation.com

Fungi Are Helping Farmers Unlock the Secrets of Soil Carbon - civileats.com

Why dumbing down your house could be a smart move - propertylistings.ft.com

How we know the energy transition is here - ciphernews.com

Cybertruck Deliveries Halted Due To Car Being A Big Piece Of Shit That Doesn't Work - defector.com

We Need To Rewild The Internet - noemamag.com

It’s very hard to opt out of the data nightmare that comes off the lot - sherwood.news

Miscellaneous / Other

Geometry Dash Demonlist - pointercrate.com

A LA QRTE: QR Code Menu Printer - hackaday.io

Remission of severe forms of long COVID following monoclonal antibody (MCA) infusions: A report of signal index cases and call for targeted research - sciencedirect.com

Brain cancer in children is notoriously hard to treat – a new mRNA cancer vaccine triggers an attack from within - theconversation.com

Last updated on January 5, 2025. (c) 2020-2025 Quinn9282 Productions.