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This is where the site's blog is kept. The posts are organized from newest to oldest (top to bottom).

***Blog posts that were made in November 2023 have been archived and moved HERE.***

Awesome domain hack available!! - March 29, 2024

Someone should totally go and register the (or domain name. It's available, and an awesome domain hack!!

If someone ever registers the (or domain in the future, maybe turn the site into a hub or discovery engine of Frutiger Aero-type content or something? Maybe make a cool Fruitiger Aero-designed website or landing page? Idk, the possibilities are seemingly endless with a cool domain hack!

eepy Definition - March 28, 2024

eepy: Shortened (clipped) form of sleepy. Often used jokingly as a slang term, or when you're too tired to type sleepy in it's entirety.

Based off of eep, the shortened form of sleep.

Usage examples:

"I'm so eepy this morning..."

"I've been eepy all day today... why!!!"

"I want to fall a eep, but I'm not eepy right now..."

"My cat is looking very eepy."

Weird MSPaint bug in Windows 11 - February 23, 2024

So I accidentally came across a weird bug in Windows 11's MSPaint app last night, where if you remove the background from a solid white image when the image resolution is set to 1536 x 960, it will remove most of the white color in the image, but shows a few random brushstroke-like parts of the image that aren't removed. Even more weirdly, this bug only occurs if the image is solid white (even if the image resolution remains unchanged from 1536 x 960). If you fill the image with a different color other than white, the background removal feature removes all of the visible solid color in the image.

This bug works even if the solid white image is created in another image editing program like Paint.NET with the 1536 x 960 image resolution, and then opened in MSPaint and has it's background removed. I haven't tested other apps, but I assume it results in the same or similar behaviour. Weird...

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Windows 2000 VM Setup! - January 31, 2024

Started playing around with Windows 2000 again (in a VM anyways, I don't have any old enough hardware to test it properly on). Probably one of my favorite Windows UI designs for the time (even though I was born well into the Windows XP-era). The wallpaper used on the desktop can be found here. The UI colour scheme used is called "Storm (VGA)" (you can change to the colour scheme in Display Properties > Appearance > Scheme then choose "Storm (VGA)").

Happy 2024! - January 1, 2024

Well, a little late (it's 8PM where I live as I'm posting this), but it's 2024 now! I'll probably post something more cohesive about my plans and other misc. stuff later whenever I can.

Plase enjoy yourself!

An "error message" I got - December 6, 2023

This is an "error message" I got while playing Golf Clash on my (Android) phone a few weeks back. I'm not sure what the actual problem was, but it looks like some sort of script error or loading error judging by the file name it gives (a ".bsh" (Bash?) file), also the fact that it gives you a "Retry" button. Pretty humerous to look at though, and a good reminder that even the latest "polished" Android version never gives you useful error messages 100% of the time (just like any other OS).

An error message pop-up appearing on an Android phone for the game 'Golf Clash!'. The message reads as follows:
Golf Clash!
(#906.3729) files/mdl/themilano2/ themilano2par4b/themilano2par4b_ screen_320x480_.bsh